NYS TARC Newsletter—November 2021
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RoS Spotlight NYC Spotlight Save the Date Last Call: Report Card Surveys Due 11/2 Spring 2021 APR Upload RFP Announcement PD/Events Resources
RoS Spotlight: Meet Casey Pulz, New NYS TARC Director

I will oversee a team of Resource Center Specialists to provide targeted and intentional technical assistance and professional development based on your needs and feedback. We will work closely with NYSED and the NYC TARC to offer relevant resources, collaborative opportunities, and support to you and your programs.
I am excited to expand my role within the Binghamton University Community Schools initiative, where I’ve spent the last five years in various leadership and administrative roles. As the Program Manager of the Binghamton University Community Schools Regional Network, I coordinated with school districts to leverage the resources of higher education, community partners, and schools to reduce barriers to learning for PK-12, and create an equitable school environment for children, families, and communities to thrive. In this role, I also led our Summer Zones program, serving economically disadvantaged and at-risk youth to reduce summer learning loss through a focus on STEAM, higher education, and career exploration. More recently, I served as the Assistant Director for the New York State Cares for Communities initiative with the NYSED Central/Western Community Schools Technical Assistance Center, which supports community- and faith-based organizations working with school districts to address barriers of the COVID-19 pandemic for students and families.
This monthly newsletter will feature updates about professional development and networking opportunities, relevant news from NYSED, and a spotlight on subgrantees from across the state.
While we work towards finalizing our contract with NYSED, I encourage you to reach out to NYSED (EMSC21stCCLC@nysed.gov) with any questions or concerns related to your 21st CCLC program. I look forward to getting to know you and learning more about your programs. Thanks for all that you do to support our kids and families!
Casey Pulz, MPA Director 21st Century Community Learning Centers Technical Assistance Resource Center, Rest of State Region
Save the Date
Thursday, November 18, 10:00-11:15am: Virtual EZReports 101 Training – Required for all Site Coordinators Thursday, December 2 ,10:00-11:30am: Virtual Fall 2021 Kick-Off – Required for all Additional required virtual workshops:
Tuesday, December 7 10:00-11:15am
Thursday, December 9 10:00-11:15am
Wednesday, December 15 10:00-11:15am
*EZReports Webinar 201 will occur on one of the above dates for anyone who needs advanced training in reference to Teacher Surveys, 21APR data checks, and any other technical aspects of EZReports.
Please note: Subgrantees are required to attend two out of the four webinars, plus the Fall Kick-Off event on December 2. One of the required webinars will be the EZReports Webinars 101 or 201, depending on the subgrantee’s experience with the system.
We need your feedback! Stay tuned for a separately emailed survey for workshop topic offerings.
Last Call: Report Card Surveys Due Tomorrow, Nov. 2
As you may be aware, in 2021-2022, there are new Government Performance and Results Act (GPRA) measures that require the number of students who improved their grade point average (GPA) from year to year. This information will be included on the 2021-2022 APR.
As we began to collect information about grades and GPA calculation among schools in NYS, we found there were a variety of methods used to indicate each students’ performance on a report card. We realized that will need to create a method for identifying similar grades (letter, number, percent, etc.) to allow common reporting of GPA.
To that end, as a first step, we have created a survey for each program director to forward to their site coordinators, for the site coordinators to complete about grades/GPA/report cards for the schools within your program.
NYSED is requesting that each grant that serves middle and/or high school students complete this survey (https://www.surveymonkey.com/r/ReportCardGPRA) report card information for each school they partner with. Please note, each site coordinator within your grant must complete this information for the school they work with. Note: If you have a center location, you must complete a survey for each feeder school for the center.
The survey is set to collect information for 10 schools. If you have more than 10 schools to report on, please contact 21st CCLC at EMS21STCCLC@nysed.gov for assistance.
Please submit your information by November 2, 2021.
Spring 2021 APR Upload
The Spring 2021 APR data will be uploaded by EZReports (EZR) into 21APR in early Dec. 2021.
In order to prepare for the data upload, you will need to run the Spring 2021 APR data check report in EZR Nov. 15, 2021 (Email your RC to request instructions).
After running the report, any “errors” need to be resolved, while “warnings” are red flags that can be approved for exemption. The Spring 2021 APR data check needs to be conducted in the 2020-21 program year of EZReports—you can enter the system here: www.ezreports.org/newyork2021.
RFP Announcement
The new 21st CCLC Round 8 RFP has been posted. Deadline for submission is November 23, 2021.

PD Session: Developing District-Wide & Building-Level Emergency Response Plans
This 3-hour training provides an overview of the planning principles and planning process recommended in the federal Guide for Developing High-Quality School Emergency Operations Plans. There will be an in-depth review of New York State’s Project SAVE legislation regarding development of District-Wide Safety Plans and Building-Level Emergency Response Plans, and how school officials can use federal guidance to meet New York’s statutory and regulatory requirements. Participants will receive guidance on how to apply a 6-Step Planning Process to develop plans that will allow your school or district to address the 5 preparedness mission areas of Prevention, Mitigation, Protection, Response, and Recovery.
Choose from these Zoom session offerings:
Wednesday, November 17th, 2021 from 9:00am- 12:00pm
Wednesday, December 8th, 2021 from 9:00am- 12:00pm

This month’s workshops from the Leadership Program will give participants several different ways to consider gratitude and will offer many tools for fostering gratitude in their lives—to the benefit of themselves and all those around them.
The Transformative Power of Gratitude, with Erika Wed, November 3, 2021 — 12:30 – 1:15 PM EST Diving Into SEL or EQ: How To Understand Each Competency As A Tool For Growth, with Erika Wed, November 10, 2021 — 12:30 – 1:15 PM EST Community Service: How To Find A Purpose and Project That Speaks To You And Your Team, with Sam Wed, November 17, 2021 — 12:30 – 1:15 PM EST How To Be Thankful, with Ana Wed, November 24, 2021 — 12:30 – 1:15 PM EST
New York State Network for Youth Success resources:
National Center on Afterschool and Summer Enrichment (NCASE) offerings:
Guidance from Administration for Children & Families:
Pure Edge Start with the Heart Introductory Lessons:
Additional resources:
NYC Spotlight

Some of you may not have heard the great news!
The New York City Technical Assistance Resource Center (TARC), operated through the NYC Department of Education (NYCDOE), has had their contract renewed for the next five years. That gives all NYC sub-grantees an opportunity to continue working with Elida Martes, Laurie Crutcher and Melissa Ocasio for this last year of round 7. Elida Martes is the Director of the TARC who has first-hand knowledge from being a Program Manager of 21st CCLC programming, and has worked for NYCDOE for over 15 years. Laurie Crutcher, Lead Program Manager, worked as a Program Manager overseeing 21CCLC programming in Rounds 4, 5 and 6, has worked with the NYCDOE for over six years and is the veteran on the team working at the Resource Center. Laurie has been a consistent resource and support to sub-grantees and worked diligently to build relationships through the years. Melissa Ocasio joined the team in early 2019 as a Program Manager. She supervised 21st CCLC programming for Rounds 4 and 5 and is now sharing best practices with sub-grantees. Not only is the NYC TARC team working to assist with all areas of 21CCLC, but they are currently hiring two more individuals to join their team. Round 8 will have a TARC team of 5 individuals whose job will entail providing support in the areas of Site Monitoring, Technical Assistance, Professional Development and data support in the state’s mandated attendance reporting system, EZReports. We are proud to be able to continue to support all NYC sub-grantees and want to wish best of luck to all those who will be applying for Round 8.
Have a contribution or suggestion for the NYS TARC newsletter? Let us know!