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Important Reminders from the 21st CCLC Timeline:
Perform Budget Review and submit any Budget Amendments, if necessary.
Receive and review Local Evaluator’s Interim Report. Share information with stakeholders and integrate actionable findings and recommendations into ongoing internal improvement cycle.
Participate in the required Program Directors’ Mid-Year Report. The Mid Year Report is an electronic survey that will be sent to you by NYSED. Keep a lookout for their email. Submit responses to the online survey to the NYSED Program Office by February 24, 2023. This information is used by the NYSED Program Office to review program progress, and to make a selection of useful, summary findings available to all statewide stakeholders in the Program Directors’ Progress Brief.
Convene 3rd Advisory Board Meeting. Include all stakeholders. Topics might include review of program progress and achievement of interim goals/mid-year benchmarks, reflect on internal review of staff performance/participant engagement findings, integrate evaluation findings into continuous improvement plans.
A message from the State Evaluator, Measurement Inc. (MI):
All programs that are providing activities designed to support students' social-emotional development and learning are invited to participate in a voluntary pilot study of SEDL outcomes that NYSED and MI hope to launch this spring. More information, including benefits of participation, to follow soon.
At NYSED's request, MI will also be conducting the annual survey of Program Managers/Directors this spring.Your participation will help with the ongoing improvement of this program and related support services.
EZReports Guidance
We want to put the ‘easy’ back in EZReports, so we'll be adding a new tip for you here each month!
Missing attendance days will generate an error in the system. You may view missing attendance days by going to ‘All Reports’, then under ‘Attendance Reports’ select ‘Missing Attendance Days by Session’.
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21st CCLC Spring Conference March 24, 2023, at the Troy Hilton Garden Inn
We're excited to share details for the 21st CCLC 2023 Spring Conference! We are partnering with the NY State Network for Youth Success to offer an amazing event on Friday, March 24th in Troy, NY. Please review the important information below:
*This event is mandatory for all Program Managers/Directors (for clarification about who should attend, feel free to review pg.21 of the RFP). Subgrantees must attend the 21st CCLC program on Friday, 3/24. Evaluators are not required, but are invited and encouraged to attend. MI will be facilitating their first in-person Evaluators Network meeting during the conference. Network for Youth Success is offering additional sessions on Saturday, 3/25 which are optional.
Click here to register!
Select the option: "21ST CENTURY - Friday Pass for CCLC Participants" which is FREE
If you are interested in staying for a second day of professional development, you can register and pay for Day 2 of the NYS conference (Saturday, 3/25)
Book your hotel!
The Garden Inn is full. There are several options nearby.
Within Troy:
Best Western Plus Franklin Square (5 Min Drive to Venue)
Courtyard by Marriott - Troy/Waterfront (4 Min Drive to Venue)
Additional Areas to Consider Nearby: Albany, NY Colonie, NY East Greenbush, NY Latham, NY
Food and meals
Lunch is included for all conference attendees (at no additional cost)
There are restaurants on site for participants interested in coffee, breakfast, and dinner
Other (non-required) events that may interest you:
Ongoing: Self-Paced Professional Development
The Resource Centers have partnered with Change Impact to offer a unique PD experience with Change Up Learning – an interactive online PD platform. Change Up Learning offers a variety of self-paced courses on relevant topics including Equity and Inclusion, Trauma-informed Practices, Positive Youth Development and more! These free courses are not mandatory, but available to support 21st CCLC subgrantees – and have been approved for New York State SACC credits. Create an account and access the growing library of courses by using the custom links below:
If you’re based in NYC, activate your account here.
If you’re based in the rest of NY state, activate your account here.
Feb 7 & 14
NYS Network for Youth Success: OCFS Regulatory Training Series
Feb 10
National Center for Community Schools at Children’s Aid: Community School Supervisor Boot Camp
Feb 14 - May 9
National Center for School Mental Health: 2023 School Mental Health Virtual Learning Series
Feb 15 - March 13
NYS Education Department, NYS Unified Court System, and NY’s Community Dispute Resolution Centers: Free Restorative Justice Practices Webinars for Continuing Education: Winter/Spring 2023:
Connecting Community Building Circles to Curriculum: Wednesday, February 15th at 3:30 pm
Support Circle for School-Based Restorative Tier One Practitioners: Wednesday, February 22nd at 3:00 pm
Tier 2 Restorative Support: Navigating Conflict with Responsive Circles and Conferences: Wednesday, March 1st at 3:00 pm
Working Through Challenging Circle Experiences: Tuesday, March 7th at 3:00 pm
Responding to Students One-on-One Using Restorative Conversations: Monday, March 13th at 3:00pm
Each session is between 90 and 120 minutes; all webinars will be held using Zoom video conferencing. Register for courses here.
Please email questions to rjtraining@nycourts.gov.
Feb 17
ETAC Webinar Release: Webinar: The Role of the Teacher and the Community School Director: Collaborating Effectively
Mar 9 & Apr 13 ETAC CoP Events Series: ETAC's Community Schools RoadMap Tool
July 19 - 20 Save the Date for the National 21st CCLC Summer Symposium
2024 New York State Teacher of the Year – Application Deadline Extended to February 10, 2023
The Teacher of the Year program annually recognizes an exemplary educator who serves as ambassador for New York State teachers and New York’s nominee for National Teacher of the Year.
The deadline for applications for the 2024 NYS Teacher of the Year has been extended to February 10, 2023.
Application instructions and additional information can be found on the Office of Standards and Instruction’s website.
Questions may be directed to the Office of Standards & Instruction at 518-474-5922 or toty@nysed.gov.
High School Seniors and Juniors Sought for National Youth Science Camp
Applications are now being accepted from high school seniors and juniors to represent New York State at the 2023 National Youth Science Camp, a hybrid event held June 19th through July 12th, 2023 at Camp Pocahontas in West Virginia.
Housing, meals, transportation, and supplies are provided to participants at NO COST.
The deadline to apply is February 28th, 2023. Applications must be submitted online at the National Youth Science Academy website.
For more information about the program, please visit the National Youth Science Camp website.
Questions may be directed to the Office of Standards and Instruction at 518-474-5922 or emscuric@nysed.gov.
What’s Great in Our State sponsored by the New York State Office of Mental Health, Nomination and Recognition Event
The “What’s Great in Our State” event recognizes individuals, communities, schools, and organizations across New York State that are making a difference in the field of children and youth mental health.
Nominations are now being accepted to honor individuals, communities, schools, and organizations whose work demonstrates:
Collaboration across sectors of the community;
Innovation and utilization of new strategies to meet the challenges of the last two years;
Positive impact on the community’s sense of mental wellness and resilience;
Participation of youth, parents, and families.
Recognition focuses on the following six categories: Youth/Young Adult, Family/Caregiver, Lifetime, Systems of Care Community, Organization or Community Group, and School/School District.
The nomination form includes details about each category. You can be accessed the nomination form here: https://forms.office.com/g/zB4D8f4z98. Nominations are due by February 17, 2023.
The event will be held on May 9, 2023. The event will include recognition of Honorees, a keynote speaker, and workshops.
For more information, please contact Jessica.Stanis@omh.gov.
Call for Nominations: The Better Beginnings Award
The Better Beginnings Award (BBA) celebrates the life and career of Helen Bach Moss, a New York State Educator who passed away in 1988. The $5,000 award recognizes currently teaching (PreK-6) New York State-certified teachers in a public or private school.
Seeking submissions of PreK-6 teachers who are gifted in finding and nurturing the strengths of each student and fostering trusting relationships among pupils, parents, teachers, and administrators.
For information regarding the final year for the award to nominate a teacher, please see the attachment titled Better Beginnings Award. Further information may be found on the webpage BBA.
Nomination Packet Deadline: Tuesday, February 28, 2023
Questions may be directed to Elena Bruno, Coordinator of Better Beginnings Award, at 518-486-2978 or elena.bruno@nysed.gov.
Student Led, Peer-Developed Initiative to Prevent Targeted School Violence, Sponsored by the U.S. Department of Homeland Security
New York State high schools are invited to participate in a free school safety and prevention program, Invent2Prevent (I2P), sponsored by the US Department of Homeland Security’s Center for Prevention Programs and Partnerships (CP3).
Invent2Prevent challenges students in a club, class, or independent study to create and implement peer-developed initiatives, products, and tools to prevent targeted violence and hate in ways they believe will be most effective in their schools and communities. These experiential projects are developed by youth for youth and are extremely creative and effective, you can out more at Invent2Prevent.
Invent2Prevent is managed by EdVenture Partners and the McCain Institute who work with your students throughout the entire project period in a guiding, mentoring, and coaching capacity. Each school receives a $1,000 budget to implement its campaigns. Five students and one advisor/teacher and chaperone from each of the top three teams are awarded an all-expense trip to Washington, DC to present to DHS leadership and compete for $9,000 in prize money. Graduating seniors are eligible to apply for $30,000 in scholarship money.
This program is currently accepting applications for the spring semester with a deadline of January 13, 2023, for schools to express interest in enrollment.
Questions may be directed to Jamey Barcomb, Center for Prevention Programs and Partnerships (CP3), U.S. Department of Homeland Security at jamey.barcomb@hq.dhs.gov.
Tony Sgro, the EdVenture Partners CEO, is available to coordinate with interested schools and/or district administrators for a more detailed 25-minute presentation about the program design and benefits, contact Tony Sgro, at tony@edventurepartners.com or (415) 264-7666.
NYS Center for School Safety:
Black History Month Resources:
On NYS Center for School Satety's homepage scrollbar, please find resources to support school safety for our Black students, including an article from the University at Buffalo, “To help Black students feel safer, schools must embrace their cultural identity.”
Help celebrate cultural and linguistic diversity in your school! A tool that can support this important work throughout the school year is the Culturally Responsive -Sustaining Education Framework from NYSED. This framework focuses on student-centered learning environments that affirm racial, linguistic, and cultural identities; develop students’ abilities to connect across lines of difference; elevate historically marginalized voices; and empower students as agents of positive social change.
To learn more about alternatives to exclusionary discipline, please see the posted presentation and report from the NY Safe Schools Task Force, “Recommendations for Reducing Disparities in and Reforming School Discipline in New York State.”
Also posted on their homepage, please find resources to support and inform your Black History Month initiatives from Learning for Justice and ADL. Additionally, we have resources to create supportive school environments and a more positive school climate.
Classroom Management Resources: School Climate Refresh, Emergency Response Planning, & What We're Reading
School Climate Refresh
Leveraging Reset Opportunities: How to Help Students and Staff Thrive: This reset tool from the National Center on Safe Supportive Learning Environments (NCSSLE) presents a set of practices for both school staff and administrators. Each of these practices is targeted on how to re-establish a supportive environment in which staff and students can thrive.
Quick Guide on Making School Climate Improvements: Also, from NCSSLE this Guide provides district and school leaders, teachers, school staff, and other members of the school community with information about how to initiate, implement, and sustain school climate improvements.
School Climate and Shared Leadership: Leadership and staff morale are key parts of creating and maintaining a positive and supportive school climate. This brief from the National School Climate Center outlines how school and district leaders can nurture and capitalize on leadership to benefit the climate and culture of the school as a whole.
Check out updated resources on our LGBTQ+ Inclusivity page to support your school in creating a safe & supportive climate for all students.
Emergency Response Planning:
Please visit their Safety Plans page for resources to help your team develop Building Level Emergency Response Plans. You will find an updated S.H.E.L.L. Emergency Response Card and updates to The Safety Plan Development Resource Packet.
What We Are Reading:
The New York State Center for School Safety regularly updates its What We Are Reading section on their homepage scrollbar with resources and articles related to safety. This week, please find:
9 essential mental health supports for school-based programs
The Benefits of Changing School Discipline
Does growth mindset matter? The debate heats up
Supporting LGBTQ+ Youth during the Holidays
Program Spotlights
Project #8099 Niagara Charter School's FBITES Program
Click images to explore the photo gallery.
FBITES stands for Food-Based Interventions with Technology, Energy & Science. At Niagara Charter School, they currently offer students and their families an opportunity to prepare food in a safe learning environment using culinary instruction as a vehicle to teach important life skills such as leadership, responsibility, accountability, and teamwork.
An after-school FBITES program that runs twice a week from 4-5 pm. Students learn proper cooking etiquette and assist in making a meal each session.
FBITES Saturday Academy is offered once a month. Each Saturday, students and their families sign up to come in and cook as a family (team).
Every Wednesday and Friday, students from 6th grade serve the coffee cart to staff alongside a member from FBITES.
One of "the favorite Saturday meals" included grilled cheese sandwiches, chili, a salad, and caramel apples.
Thank you to Theresa Boniface and Darci Novak for providing such a great experience for the students and families in your community!
Project #8026 P.S. 506 & Young Audiences of New York

This month we're highlighting Community School 3, Project # 8026. The program has been very busy supporting the community through the following service efforts:
Toy Drive - They collaborated with the Unity Center for Urban Technologies who hosted a toy drive for our families. Parents of these families to came pick up these gifts at our school prior to the holiday break. This was done so the parents were able to give their children gifts during the holiday.
Clothing Drive - Teachers and YANY staff members were asked to donate new and gently used clothes for our recently migrated families. Over 100 pieces of clothing were donated.
Food Drive - P.S. 165 families were asked to donate non-perishable items for families in need. Families were able to pick up food over the course of 4 days and were allowed as much food as they needed.
Spotlight thanks to Director Cesar Pagan and Program Manager Audrey Tindall!