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NYS TARC Newsletter—July 2022

Updated: Jul 8, 2022

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View the Round 8 21st CCLC Timeline
Important Reminders:
  • Attend the EZReports Training Sessions on July 12, 2022 and July 14, 22; and the Meet and Greet on July 27, 2022. Registration is required. See “PD/Events” below for more information and registration.

  • Attend US ED’s Virtual 21st CCLC Summer Symposium on July 19, 2022 through July 21, 2022. Register here.

  • Summer-Commencing Programs should convene their first Advisory Board meeting. View the Advisory Board Memo for more information.

  • School Age Child Care (SACC) Registrations must be current and sent to the NYSED/TARCs before programming can begin.

  • Look out for more information on required information sessions this Summer/Fall.

Important Reminders for Returning Round 7 Subgrantees Only:
  • For encumbered funds for staffing to close-out Round 7 grant beyond June 30, 2022, payment to be made by September 30, 2022.

  • Submit Annual Evaluation Report (AER), signed by both the evaluator and the Program Director/Manager, via NYSED ( and The State Evaluation Team ( by September 30, 2022. Be certain to include the correct project number so we can keep Round 7 and Round 8 separated. (e.g. Year 5 AER, Albany CSD, 0187-22-7078). Refer to this document for further information.

  • Submit (Year 5) FS-10-F to NYSED’s Grants Finance by September 30, 2022

Another reminder:

One of the most important and often overlooked resources is your program’s own proposal! Read your proposal and the RFP; be familiar with what your organization has promised and general grant requirements. 21st CCLC frequently asked questions can be found here.



Bookmark the following websites. They will be your source for important updates, deadlines, mandatory training opportunities, and other resources:

  • NYS 21st CCLC Technical Assistance Resource Centers maintain our own website with links to important information, forms, and other resources you will need for maintaining grant compliance. 🔖

  • NYSED's website maintains important information and resources. You can go to this site for updates, laws, regulations, guidance, and archived information. 🔖

  • NYSED's Student Support Services monthly newsletters can be found here: 🔖 (You can also subscribe to receive monthly newsletters here.)

  • You4Youth is maintained under contract with the US Department of Education for 21st CCLC programming. This is definitely a website that you will want to bookmark for all its professional development, tools, and STEAM initiatives. Be sure to sign up for their newsletter! 🔖

  • The New York State Network for Youth Success is dedicated to building a youth-serving system that increases the quality and availability of afterschool and expanded learning programs. Bookmark the website and sign up for their Listserv. Among other things, The Network for Youth Success created the Quality Self Assessment Tool that programs are required to use at least 2 times per year; the site has information and videos on how to best implement the tool. 🔖


Other Important resources to support you:

National Urban League's Equity-Driven SEL Tools

Over the last two years, National Urban League set out to shift the narrative on Social and Emotional Learning (SEL). They have collaborated with over 100 people and with them, co-created a set of tools that speak to the unique expertise and histories of communities, students, and families that are too often left outside of education innovation. The result is a dynamic suite of tools that advance Learning for Racial Equity, Justice, and Empowerment!

NYS Community Schools Technical Assistance Centers' DEI Portal

NYS Community Schools Technical Assistance Centers have a full Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion portal that contains a wealth of resources including information on events and webinars.

The National Association for Family, School, and Community Engagement's new Family Engagement Core Competencies Report

Dear Provider Letter: Updated COVID-19 Protocols for Child Care Programs and Clarification

OCFS has become aware of some confusion surrounding one bullet of information that is included in the revised COVID-19 guidance issued on May 31, 2022.

The bullet in question reads:

  • Pursuant to DOH guidance, those under 2 and those who cannot wear a well-fitted mask must continue to isolate as otherwise required outside of the child care setting for days 6-10.

This bullet is being interpreted by some to mean that children under two and those who are unable to tolerate a face covering must continue to quarantine/isolate for days 6-10 and are not allowed to return to their child care program. This is not accurate. These children may return to child care on days 6-10, as outlined in the guidance document. See here for more information.



Required: EZReports Training - Grantee Level July 12, 10:00am-12:00pm
  • This training will introduce Program Managers to the EZReports Database through the functions available at the Grantee level. This session is designed for Program Managers, and encouraged for Local Evaluators. REGISTER NOW.


Required: EZReports Training - Site Level. July 14, 10:00am-12:00pm
  • This training will introduce Site Coordinators to the EZReports Database through the functions available at the Site level. This session is designed for Program Managers and Site Coordinators, and encouraged for Local Evaluators. REGISTER NOW.


Required: 21st Century Community Learning Centers 2022 Summer Symposium July 19-21
  • This event, hosted by OESE’s Office of School Support and Accountability, will convene virtually. The Summer Symposium features successful strategies that state education agencies (SEAs) and their grantees can use to implement and manage all components of a 21st CCLC program. Attendees will hear from nationally recognized speakers during plenary sessions and work closely with education experts and peers during interactive workshops. SEAs and grantees will gain valuable perspectives on afterschool issues and receive important updates about the 21st CCLC program. REGISTER NOW.


Required: NYS 21st Century Community Learning Centers Meet & Greet.
July 27, 10:00am-12:00pm
  • This session will introduce subgrantees to the NYSED and Technical Assistance Resource Center teams, and provide some general updates and information regarding the 21st CCLC grant. All are welcome to attend. REGISTER NOW.


Other (non-required) events that may interest you:

Ongoing: Self-Paced Professional Development

As a 21st CCLC subgrantee, you have access to free professional development through Change Up Learning, an online training platform for youth development programs. Relevant topics include Restorative Practice, Equity and Inclusion, Positive Behavior Management, and more! Users can explore content, gain resources, and receive a certificate with SACC credits upon the completion of each course. Gain access to a growing library of courses by creating an account using the custom links below:


  • Several sessions of FREE, online training will be offered in Summer 2022 as part of a collaboration of the NYS Education Department, NYS Unified Court System, and NY’s Community Dispute Resolution Centers. View catalog and register here.


  • Three sessions of this free, 4-day, online training will be offered in Summer 2022 as part of a collaboration of the NYS Education Department, NYS Unified Court System, and NY’s Community Dispute Resolution Centers. View brochure and register here.




  • This conference on family & community engagement is to support educators, administrators, parent coordinators, and family-facing practitioners. Join this impactful hybrid event to support your goals for equitable family engagement in your school or district.


  • Become a Certified Organizational Trainer in the Science of Comfort.



Meet the 21st CCLC Resource Center Teams

The services and programs provided by the New York State 21st Community Learning Centers are a collaborative effort among five primary entities: The New York State Education Department, The New York City Technical Assistance Resource Center (part of the New York City Department of Education), The Rest of State Technical Assistance Resource Center (part of Binghamton University Community Schools), the State Evaluator (Measurement Incorporated) and 21st CCLC funded Grantees throughout the state.

The purpose of the 21st CCLC Technical Assistance Resource Centers is to provide ongoing support to all grantees to improve the quality of their programs and, in turn, improve the academic, social and emotional outcomes of students and the literacy of participants’ families.

Whether you are looking for resources to boost family engagement, preparing for an SMV, or troubleshooting EZReports, we are here to help.


New York City Resource Center (NYC TARC)

The New York City Department of Education serves as the NYC Technical Assistance Resource Center (NYC TARC), providing services to all NYC-based grantees.

If you would like to request any Technical Assistance (TA) from the NYC TARC team, via visit or call, please complete the Technical Assistance Request form.


Rest of State Technical Assistance Resource Center (RoS TARC)

Binghamton University Community Schools serves as the RoS TARC, serving subgrantees outside of New York City, in the rest of state regions.

If you would like to request any Technical Assistance (TA) from the ROS TARC team, via visit or call, please complete the Technical Assistance Request form.

  • Casey Pulz, Director

  • Adam Centeno, Data Specialist

  • Rachel Parsons, Program Specialist

  • Bernard Fleming, Program Specialist

  • Brendan Doherty, Program Specialist

Phone support line: 607-777-9240

Email support:

In the subject line, please include your project number, agency name, and a brief description of the email.


To be featured in an upcoming newsletter, submit your stories and photos here.

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