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NYS TARC Newsletter—June 2023

Writer's picture: NYS 21CCLC TARCNYS 21CCLC TARC

Updated: Jun 5, 2023

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Evaluators' Corner (also useful for Data Managers!)


Important Reminders from the 21st CCLC Timeline:

2023-2024 Budgets were due May 15th: Thank you to the 100 subgrantees who submitted their budgets on time! We are still missing 52 budgets for the upcoming year. If you have not submitted your budget, please send the FS-10, Composite Budget, and MWBE packet to

EZReports Data Entry. Student demographics, enrollment, activities, attendance records, and students’ State 10-digit ID numbers (RoS) or OSIS 9-digit ID (NYC) numbers should all be up to date. Continue to remind day school teachers to complete the Teacher Surveys (for programs serving grades 1-5, only).

Enter Spring 2022 program participation and activity data into EZReports by June 30, 2023.

Obtain GPA (where available) and grade report data from partnering school district(s) in accordance with the prior-approved Partnership Agreement. These data are required for GPRA reporting for all students in Grades 7, 8, and 10-12; include other grades as needed to address local objectives

Engage in 2nd Internal Improvement Cycle Session. Use the Quality Self-Assessment (QSA) Tool to guide the process of assessing indicators of success and reviewing progress towards the measurable targets/goals set at the beginning of the year. Additional information about the QSA Tool is available at:

Convene 4th Advisory Board Meeting/Year-End Review. Include all stakeholders. Topics might include a review of program accomplishments, areas for improvement, organizing information to communicate out to stakeholder audiences, and to begin strategic planning.

Collaborate with Local Evaluator to complete any final data collection, share available program and participant data, and to schedule receipt of Annual Evaluation Report (AER) in time for Director's review, and submission to NYSED and MI, no later than September 30.

Prepare for Summer Programming (if applicable; Year 2 begins July 1, 2023)

Submit Annual MWBE 104G Compliance Report (posted on 21st CCLC website) to the MWBE office at by July 31, 2023.

For Technical Assistance from the Resource Center Teams, utilize the Technical Assistance Request Form:


Coming soon to your inbox: Confidential Surveys

Two different, confidential surveys of Program Staff and key Program Staff will be circulated by our State Evaluator, Measurement Incorporated (MI), this month.

The first survey requests feedback from key program staff on the quality of program supports received this year. This survey will be sent to all Program Managers/Directors and key program staff.

It is extremely important that ALL Program Managers/Directors complete this confidential survey. Other key program staff are encouraged to provide feedback as well. It is critical that all voices are heard.

Note that this survey consolidates and streamlines questions from MI and the Resource Centers, so there will not be a separate end-of-year survey of program staff from your Resource Center this year.

The second is a brief, voluntary Program Manager survey requesting details about the focus of each program's activities designed to strengthen students' Social-Emotional Learning skills. Participation in this survey will provide valuable feedback to inform a pilot study of SEL initiatives among New York State 21st CCLC programs. Statewide survey results will be shared with all survey respondents and can provide useful ideas for strategies to support this required objective.

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EZReports Guidance

We want to put the ‘easy’ back in EZReports, so we'll be adding a new tip for you here each month!


Use EZReports to easily send reminders to day school teachers to complete surveys.

  • Simply click on the number ‘sent’ and you will get detailed information about completion rate for each teacher.

  • For those not at 100%, click on the bell icon to send a reminder.


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These are non-required events that may interest you:

Ongoing: Self-Paced Professional Development

The Resource Centers have partnered with Change Impactt o offer a unique PD experience with Change Up Learning – an interactive online PD platform. Change Up Learning offers a variety of self-paced courses on relevant topics including Equity and Inclusion, Trauma-informed Practices, Positive Youth Development and more! These free courses are not mandatory, but available to support 21st CCLC subgrantees – and have been approved for New York State SACC credits. Create an account and access the growing library of courses by using the custom links below:

Now through August

Network for Youth Success: New JEDI Trainings Topics (Racism and bias; Supporting LGBTQIA2S youth and families; Intersectionality; Native American cultural competency; Ageism and youth empowerment)

June 8

June 7 - 9

June 13
  • Not registered with Change Up Learning yet? Sign up for this workshop and access other self-paced trainings:

    • If you’re based in NYC, activate your account here.

    • If you’re based in the rest of NY state, activate your account here.

June 20 - Dec 12

Afterschool Math Plus (AM+): Curriculum Training Series

July 19 - 20

July 31 - Aug 1

NYS STEM Education Collaborative: 2023 STEM Education Summer Institute

  • The Summer Institute is also accepting presentations & posters that address learning levels PK – 20 that show how to integrate two or more STEM disciplines, with an emphasis on elementary STEM this year. To submit, click here.

Oct 9 - 13

2023 National Family Engagement Summit Early Bird Registration NOW OPEN




The Toolkit for Initiating, Monitoring, and Sustaining School Integration Projects is a step-by-step guide for initiating, monitoring, and sustaining school and district-level integration efforts. Developed for NYSED’s New York State Integration Project (NYSIP) in partnership with the Center for Public Research & Leadership (CPRL) at Columbia University, this toolkit is organized around the elements of CPRL’s Leading Through Learning framework, a cornerstone of CPRL’s approach to supporting equitable educational outcomes.

While the toolkit is focused on NYSED’s integration efforts through its NYSIP grant, leaders can use the toolkit when implementing any school or district initiative. The toolkit also contains three case studies of districts that participated in NYSIP.

Since 2018, NYSED and its partners have supported NYSIP, a program to help school districts create more diverse schools as a mechanism for increasing student achievement in Title I schools.

Through the NYSIP grant, District leaders and their partners have been working to create more diverse schools based on race and ethnicity, socioeconomic status, learning ability, English language learner status, and other student identities relevant to districts’ local contexts (e.g., immigrant status or experiences with temporary housing or homelessness). Efforts to create more inclusive and culturally responsive schools rely heavily on NYSED’s Culturally Responsive-Sustaining Education Framework.

For questions related to the toolkit please contact the Office of ESSA-Funded Program at

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Office of Child and Family Services (OCFS) Announces New DEIA Toolkit

OCFS has announced the diversity, equity, inclusion and accessibility (DEIA) toolkit to support child care programs and families.

The Toolkit includes materials, available in a variety of languages, to intentionally weave DEIA into your child care community.

  • The Toolkit includes:

  • Self-assessment activity

  • Best programming practices tip sheet

  • ‘Ways to Celebrate Diversity’ flyer

  • Materials lists and ideas for recommended learning areas

  • Book list for children

This Toolkit is meant to support your child care program and is a direct result of OCFS’s efforts to address inequities that impact all aspects of child care. With use of this toolkit you create an enhanced environment that creates safe, joyful, healthy, nurturing and comforting spaces.

Click here to access the DEIA toolkit.

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Office of Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion in partnership with Tangible Development and BOCES is seeking resources to develop Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Resource Repository for educators

All materials will go through a vetting process which will be overseen by Tangible Development to ensure that the most promising practices are shared. Click here to learn more.

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Indigenous Mascot Regulation Background and FAQ Document

The New York State Board of Regents adopted a new Part 123 of the Regulations of the Commissioner of Education relating to prohibiting the use of Indigenous team names, mascots, and logos by public schools on April 18, 2023.

The language in that regulation was clear: team names, mascots, and logos derived from, or that have connections to, Indigenous peoples, in the past or at present, which are being used without the express consent of such peoples are contrary to the requirements of the regulation and New York State’s Dignity for All Students Act and must change.

Most applicable districts across New York have already undertaken a community-based approach toward implementing this requirement.

To further facilitate this, NYSED has released a Background and Frequently Asked Question document posted on the NYSED website at

Questions regarding this can be sent to

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Funding Opportunity: Advance Course Access (ACA) Program

The New York State Education Department has issued an Announcement of Funding Opportunity RFP # GC23-005

This opportunity seeks applications to increase equity in access to advanced courses, including Advanced Placement (AP), International Baccalaureate (IB), and dual-credit courses, for high school students who currently have very limited or no access to advanced courses, through online, distance, blended, or other evidence-based learning methods.

RFP # GC23-005 will be posted to P-12 Funding Opportunities

All applications are due by June 23, 2023.

For additional information, please review the full RFP document.

Questions relative to this RFP must be sent to no later than the close of business on May 26, 2023. A questions and answers summary will be posted on or about June 9, 2023.

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Netter Center UACS Regional Training Center:

Event recordings: Institutional Change that Promotes Lasting Community Engagement: The Promise of University-Assisted Community Schools (2-part series)

In case you missed it, Cory Bowman and Naora Rimkunas of the Netter Center UACS Regional Training Center presented a 2-part series with Partners for Campus Civic Engagement that focused on how university-school partnerships and ABCS courses can advance community engagement strategies on campus, which in turn develop university assisted community schools.

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New York State Center for School Safety:

Emergency Planning Training Videos now available

The New York State Center for School Safety (CFSS) is a contracted technical assistance center of NYSED’s Office of Student Support Services. The CFSS provides resources and technical assistance to school and district staff on topics related to school safety, including New York’s Dignity for All Students Act and Safe Schools Against Violence in Education (SAVE) legislation.

New training videos were recently posted for schools on the New York State Center for School Safety website, including:

Questions may be directed to or the Center for School Safety via their website at

Remember, for 21st CCLC grant compliance, all safety drills must be conducted during out of school program time. (Refer to A-5 of the SMV Tool)

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Offices of Educational Design & Technology and Student Support Services:

Emergency Remote Instruction Plan Guidance

The Offices of Educational Design & Technology and Student Support Services have released guidance (see attached) to support districts in developing Emergency Remote Instruction Plans (ERI Plans).

A recent amendment to Commissioner’s Regulation §155.17 requires all districts and BOCES to add emergency remote instruction provisions to their annual District-wide School Safety Plan (DWSSP) starting with the 2023-24 school year.

Further information regarding emergency remote instruction can be found in these Frequently Asked Questions.

Please direct questions to the Office of Educational Design & Technology at or 518-474-5461.

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EPA: 2023 Clean School Bus Grant program

The EPA has announced the 2023 Clean School Bus Grant program, which is offering $400 million in funding to replace school buses with zero-emissions buses, as well as charging and fueling infrastructure nationwide. Applications are due August 22, 2023, at 11:59 pm EST.

  • There are two sub-programs, one for the school district and Tribal applicants and one for third-party applications. Eligible applicants include local and state government entities, Indian tribes, nonprofit school transportation associates, and eligible contractors.

  • Funding priority is given to applications serving high-need local education agencies, disadvantaged communities, rural school districts, Bureau of Indian Affairs-funded districts, or districts residing on Indian land.

  • More information including the application, scrappage requirements, minimum/maximum vehicle requests, important deadlines, and other resources related to the program can be found on the EPA’s website.

  • Empire Clean Cities and NYSERDA are aiming to hold a webinar to share more information on the program in late June/early July – we will share an update when we have a date/time finalized.


Program Spotlight

Wonders and Adventures: Uniondale's Spring Break Camps

Click here or image above to explore the photo gallery in new window.

Great things are happening in Uniondale! New Round 8 subgrantee Uniondale Union Free School District 8056 shared their success story about two Spring break camps they offered this year to Students in their district.

The first was held at Uniondale Highschool where middle and high school students participated in an exciting week-long Civil Engineering camp; they immersed themselves in the fascinating world of structural design. The participants explored different types of bridges and delved into the physics behind their designs and the principles of load support.

Working together in teams, the students utilized software to create and test various bridge designs under various constraints. They then chose their best designs as blueprints for constructing physical model bridges using balsa wood. Each team meticulously crafted its bridges, focusing on every detail to ensure optimal sturdiness and stability.

The culmination of the camp was the thrilling stress test, where the students' bridges were subjected to a hydraulic press that gradually increased the load. The winning bridge astoundingly supported 78 pounds, approximately 370 times its weight! As the camp concluded, the students gained a deep appreciation for the art and science of engineering and a sense of pride in their own inventive accomplishments.

The Second Program was offered to students in 6th-8th grade. Students had the opportunity to take different academic classes on the Hofstra University campus. Students enjoyed classes in Spanish, English, Science and Business. Students also had the opportunity to tour the campus and interact with students and faculty. The students met the men’s basketball team, watched a baseball game, and had their chance to score on the goalie of the women’s soccer team.

Thank you Cassandra Mehu, program director, for sharing your story!


21stCCLC on Social Media!

Madison Howard’s art from the 21st Century After School Program at Schenectady Central School has been accepted to the U.S. Department of Education’s 2023 Nita Lowey 21st Century Community Learning Centers Summer Symposium!


Evaluators' Corner

Evaluators and Data Managers, keep your eyes open for the following documents, guidance and surveys that will be released shortly: GPA Reporting for GPRA: Additional documents and detailed guidance, including a Q&A summary, will be provided shortly as follow up to the training session on June 2.

New EZReports functions: Each year, Sanjeev Yamdagni develops a handful of customizations to EZReports in response to requests initiated by local evaluators, program staff, SED and/or MI. We will be posting a summary list of available customizations shortly. Keep your eyes on the Resources/EZReports page of the TARC website. A summary of EZReports customizations is available. As you use EZReports, if you have ideas for additional customizations that would be helpful feel free to reach out to MI or your Resource Center. Please remember that there is a limited budget for customizations so it is necessary to prioritize which ones get implemented.

A Voluntary Program survey about initiatives to develop student SEL skills will go out this month. The survey will be sent to Program Managers, but they are invited to involve their evaluator and/or other staff in constructing a response. Participation is encouraged (though not required) so that all stakeholders can gain a better overview of how New York State 21st CCLC programs approach this important objective.

An important survey on the quality of program supports will also go out this month. This survey will be sent to Data Managers as well as Program Directors and other program staff.

The Annual Evaluation Report (AER) Template is a form that Local 21CCLC Evaluators use to submit a summary of annual program findings to SED by September 30th. The form will be made available within the next three weeks, pending final review from NYSED. All evaluators and program leaders will be notified. Evaluators will be provided the form and it will be located in the Evaluator Network’s Resource Library (shared drive). *The revised template has not changed significantly from the previous version.


To be featured in an upcoming newsletter, submit your stories and photos here.

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